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PATTERN GLASS is produced by carved rollers which roll over glass surface and impressed the different patterns onto the surface of glass whilst they are hot and moldable in one side or two sides. Then the glass strip with patterns floats to the annealing and cut to different sizes according to request. It not only provides function of visual screen but also creates aesthetic sense of translucent, subtle shifting of lights and shades. Now the pattern glass has become one of the most popular international decorative materials for the outer and inner buildings.
Thickness: 3mm-6mm.
Sizes: 1220x1830mm, 1500x2000mm, 1524x2134mm, 1830x2440mm etc
Patterns: Aqualite, Bamboo, Beehive, Chinchilla, Crystal, Diamond, Flora, Karatachi, Masterlite, Millennium, Mistlite, Morgon II, Moru, Nashiji, Rain and Wanji etc.
 Rich and colorful pattern designs provide unique decorative results: or obscure and quiet, or sparkling and lively, or serious and elegant, or bold and generous
 Tangible stereoscopic patterns will never fade.
Patterned glass can be cut, ground, drilled, tempered, laminated and printed, etc.