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SOLAR GLASS is a high performance low iron pattern glass with very high solar energy transmittance. When toughened, its strength and durability make it the ideal choice for crystalline silicon photovoltaic application as well as for solar thermal collectors.
Series: Primary, Tempered and Anti-reflective Coating
Types: Prismatic/Matte, Matte / Matte
Solar Transmittance (3.2mm): ≥91.6%
Thickness: 3.2mm, 4mm etc
SIZE: Could be produced the sizes as per the request
 Ultra high solar energy transmittance and low light reflectance
 Choice of patterns, either Prismatic/Matte or Matter/Matte to suit the specific application
 The pyramidal patterns can assist in the laminating process during module manufacture, but can be used on the external surface if desired
 Prismatic/Matte product available with Anti-Reflective (AR) coating for optimal solar energy conversion
 Available in fully tempered/toughened form to provide excellent strength with resistance to hail, mechanical impact and thermal stress
 Easily to be cut, coated and tempered
GB15763.2-2005, AS/NZS 2208:1996, EN12150/DIN1249D, ASTM-E-903(891)-96, JIS